Plastic Injection Overmolding


Plastic Injection Overmolding is the injection molding process where one material (usually a TPE) is molded onto a second material (typically a rigid plastic). If properly selected, the overmolded TPE will form a strong bond with the plastic that is maintained in the end-use environment. The use of primers or adhesives is no longer required to achieve an optimum bond between the two materials.

Plastic Injection Overmolding kan bruges til at forbedre mange funktioner i produktdesign, herunder

-Vibration damping

-Forøgelse af komfortniveau

-Water resistant seal


-Elektrisk isolering

To sprøjtestøbningsprocesser dominerer fremstillingen af ​​PlasticInjection Overmolding: indsatsstøbning og multi-shot sprøjtestøbning.

-Insert Molding

Den mest anvendte proces til overformning af plastindsprøjtning er indsatsstøbning, hvor en forstøbt indsats placeres i en form, og TPE skydes direkte over den. Fordelen ved indsatsstøbning er, at traditionelle single shot-IM-maskiner kan bruges (nye maskinudgifter er ikke nødvendige), og værktøjsomkostningerne forbundet med indsatsstøbning er lavere end ved multi-shot-behandling.

-Multiple Material Molding

Flere materialer, også kendt som to-shot (eller multi-shot) PlasticInjection Overmolding-proces, støbning kræver en speciel sprøjtestøbemaskine, der er udstyret med to eller flere tønder, så to (eller flere) materialer kan skydes i den samme form under samme støbecyklus. En molder vælger multi-shot støbning for at reducere cyklustider, opnå overlegen delkvalitet og reducere arbejdsomkostninger.

Til valg af proces til plastindsprøjtning, overmoldning, er indsatsformning generelt den valgte proces, når den årlige produktionsmængde og lokale arbejdsomkostninger er lave. Til produktionsprogrammer med større volumen (over 250.000 enheder årligt) eller områder med øgede arbejdsomkostninger er multi-shot støbning den valgte metode.

Auwell tilbyder både indsatsstøbning og multi-materiale plastindsprøjtningsproces til kundernes mulighed.



-Rich Experience

Mere end 20 års erfaring med plastindsprøjtning Overmolding produktudvikling og delproduktion, især til de europæiske og nordamerikanske markeder, med solid forståelse af de materielle, tekniske og kvalitetsstandarder over hele verden.

-Fast Turnaround

Generelt leverer vi akvatation inden for 3 arbejdsdage. Ved at kombinere de nyeste produktionsteknologier og faciliteter er Auwell i stand til at levere den første prøve på 6 uger.

-Comprehensive Solution Provider

Auwell leverer omfattende tjenester til overmoldning af plastinjektionsprojekter, der starter fra design, gennem prototyping, værktøjs- / inventarudvikling, prøveudtagning, masseproduktion og til logistisk og post-salg support.

-Stive QC-politikker

The most rigorous quality policy starts from material control, and is followed through to final pre-shipment inspection for Plastic Injection Overmolding orders. Material certificates include the mill certificate, 3rd party chemical components, and mechanical property reports, as well as RoHS and REACH reports upon request. We structure our processes, creating Flow Charts and Control Plans before production, making sure all QC processes are in accordance with ISO9001-2015 requirements and drawing specifications.

-Fleksibel betalingsperiode

For tooling, the general payment term is 50%-50%, meant 50% deposit, 50% after first sample free. For mass production, we offer flexible payment terms, reasonable credit terms will be given, the client only pays when they are happy with the product they received. For long-term projects, we offer call-off inventory services for fast delivery requirements.


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The following catalogues of plastic injection parts are the ones which Auwell has produced and supplied to our distinguished worldwide clients. Please click the relevant pictures for details. Please be advised, most of the products are for demonstration purpose only.  

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As a professional China Plastic Injection Overmolding manufacturers and Plastic Injection Overmolding suppliers, we provide customers with comprehensive project management services. Our factory also provide services for developing ODM/patented products, from concept to design, prototyping, tooling and mass production. Welcome to buy customized Plastic Injection Overmolding made in China from Auwell. If you want to know more, please contact us.
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